Educational Resources

Note: The school system does not guarantee the content found at the links below. Parents and teachers should check the Internet site before allowing the children to access it.
Click on titles to go to links

Enchanted Learning
We use this site for our research projects, art project or just about anything. The students and I just love this site.

Animal Planet
This is another site students just love! I usually project this site when we are discussing animals or bionomes.

Learning Vocabulary can be fun
Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun - Online interactive word seach, matching game, quizzes, and hangman

Journal Writing Resources
We do a lot of writing in second grade. This site is a resource for students to help with journaling.

Education Place by Houghton Mifflin
This is a website for the textbook we use in class.

Max's Math Adventures
Online math activities that help build skills

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
This is one of my personal favorite math web sites. You will have fun playing around with the manipultives.

Lissa Explains it All
This is a resource for creating basic web sites. Easy to understand and use if you are creating a web site.

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